tip 1 for Valve & TT

Paraset Power Output

tip 2 for Valve

Selecting the value for C7

tip 3 for Valve & TT

Morse Keys

tip 4 for TT

Stop possible damage to the grounded gate R.F. amplifier.

tip 5 for Valve

How to feed the heaters in the Paraset

tip 6 for TT

How to make an 80m Rx coil and band spread the tuning range

tip 7 for Valve

How to make 80m Valve Paraset Rx coil and band spread the tuning range

tip 8 for valve and TT

Tuning dial friction assembly

tip 9

How long is an end fed antenna

tip 10 for valve and TT

Normal receive range but you would like some "bandspread"

tip 11 for valve

Is the P.A. working? A quick and simple test

tip 12 valve and TT

Have you got a sluggish crystal that doesn't key too well?

tip 13 for valve

12v DC power supply output rather high? Try this:

tip 14 for all sets

spraying hammerite type paint